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Dottorato in Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia

Course programme modules storyboards

The months of January, February, March and April were each dedicated to four modules. Each module was run by one of the four PhD course programmes. The details of the single activities can be seen in the updated timetable in the 2020/2021 teaching calendar.

Module 1 - "Developmental, educational and social psychology, work and organizational psychology" course programme

The Theory and research today in Psychology: a multicultural, interdisciplinary, international perspective module dealt with tracing the profile of the researcher in the field of psychological sciences, with particular attention to the paths of developmental and educational psychology. The module was enriched by a meeting with a cornerstone of psychological research, Jerome Bruner, whose presentation was entrusted to Prof. Elena Clamari (University of Pisa).

Module 2 - "Theory and history of educational processes" course programme

The module focused on the professional profile in the field of historical-pedagogical sciences and general pedagogy, going through the research and working contexts of school, childhood and public history. The encounter with a classical work of pedagogy (Rousseau's Emile) also enabled the development of skills in the field of pedagogical semiotics.  


Modulo 3 - "Quality of knowledge and difference-, training- and work-related knowledge" course programme 

The Pedagogical-educational research for the future: themes, models, professions module continued focusing on the role of the researcher in pedagogical contexts. Particular attention was paid to the world of adult education, disability, interculturalism, and innovation. John Dewey was taken into consideration as a peculiar researcher operating within the contexts of formal education.


Modulo 4 - "Research methodologies for socio-educational services" course programme

The Frontiers of a theoretical/operational educational reflection module focused on a few innovative lines in pedagogical research both on the epistemological and empirical levels. It is precisely in the dimension of the "frontier" and of multidisciplinarity that the module was built, aiming to contribute to forming an aptitude for transdisciplinary research.



last update: 23-Dec-2021
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