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Dottorato in Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia
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What is a research doctorate programme?


PhDs are the highest level of post-graduate education in the university system. They correspond to European Qualification Framework (EQF) level 8.

The goals of a PhD course are to obtain:

  • Avant-garde knowledge in a particular academic sector or professional field or the overlapping area;
  • Advanced methodological techniques, including assessment and summary skills, for resolving complex problems in research and professional situations;
  • Situated competences in problem solving, innovation, autonomy and creativity in the field of learning; evaluation and development of original learning processes.


The University of Florence PhD Course in Education and Psychology

The PhD course in Education and Psychology takes care to provide an innovative and quality higher education experience. Its aim is to perfect theoretical models and methodologies to prepare students to carry out research, while providing them with specific pedagogical and psychological competences.



last update: 23-Dec-2021
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